lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011


My last birthday was in my grandmother's swimmingpool. It was the 22 nd. July 2010.
We enjoyed it very much.
All of my friends came to the party, (Lucía, Carmen, Espe, Paula, cristina, Marta P., Ainara, Miriam, Lorena and Jorge). Also came some of my cousins and my brother, Daniel.
The birthday began at one o'clock and finished at half past eight.
At the morning, I went to Mercadona with my mother, Isabel, to buy the food; We bought all neccesary things to the party (Chips, pizzas, drinks, sweets, the cake and ballons).
We made ballons of water, it was very funny! The party was very interesting!!

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Two nights ago, I had a strange dream...
I dreamt that my brother and I were on a field. Suddenly, many black big birds began to flew on the sky and the biggest of them, came to us and began to talked to us. The bird said ''if you do not leave thid place, you will be attacked by these big birds!''.
My brother and I were very scared and we shooted, but nobody came to save us...
Suddenly, a large white dragon appeared in the middle of the air, like an angel...
The dragon threw some white powders on the big birds and they fell asleep on the floor...The dragon brought us to our house.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011


Mi amigo Atreyu:

Atreyu es un chico como un edificio de 12 plantas de alto, tiene unos ojos del color del albero y una piel blanca como la pura nieve; Atreyu me tiene enamorada...Cada vez que me mira siento como mariposas me susurran al oído...¡Es una sensación tan extraña..!
Él es un chico muy aplicado, amable, cariñoso..
 El amor de Atreyu me viene de nube en nube como el mar de ola en ola.
Pero, ¿Por qué le amo tanto?... Una pregunta que nunca me podrían responder, ni siquiera la sonriente Luna ni el Sol que llora desconsoladamente...

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011



Volleyball is a sport where players need strenght on their arms, speed to hit the ball and a good coordination.

There are six players on court, in each team.The ball may be hit with any part of the player's body; the players can hit the ball with their hands, heads, even with their foot!. But, in the serve, you must hit the ball with your hand. Your team has up to three touches to return the ball over the net althought it can be returned by the first or second touch. A player musn't have two consecutive hits, but having the first and third hit is correct. Every time that your team wins the serve from the other team all your players rotate their position on court in clockwise, but if you lose the serve, your team does not rotate.Players musn't touch the net.The ball must not touch the roof, posts or walls, but the ball can touch the net on the way over it.
The first team that reach 25 points with a difference of two, wins the set, and the first team to get two sets, wins the match.

I think that volleyball is a great and very funny sport.
It keeps you fit and it is very healthy! :)

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


 Bolt es el protagonista de un programa de televisión, el perro  tiene una interesante vida llena de aventuras y de misiones peligrosas, hasta que las cámaras ya no producían para ese programa de televisión tan conocido.
Cuando Bolt es enviado por una causa no intencionada  a Nueva York desde los estudios que se encontraban en Hollywood, comenzó su ajetreada aventura en la realidad, comenzado un viaje por el mundo real. Hasta este preciso momento, nuestro entrañable amiguito creía que todos sus super poderes eran reales. Entonces, con la compañía y ayuda de dos nuevos compañeros de viaje, una abandonada gata llamada Mittens, y un hámster en una bola de cristal, al que le encantaba ver el programa de Bolt, llamado Rhino.Bolt descubrió en su viaje que puede salvar vidas y hacer cosas útiles por los demás sin la necesidad de tener superpoderes.